Javascript’s error handling is pretty horrible. Errors are thrown everywhere and rarely caught at the correct place.

At Unkey we’re counteracting this issue by explicitely returning errors where they may happen.

Instead of guessing whether a function may throw an error, it’s clerly typed and you can not forget to handle the error. Not all errors can be handled immediately and you can of course choose to escalate it further, but at least they won’t be forgotten.


The @unkey/error package in /internal/error provides primitives for returning and handling errors as well as a few common error classes.

Below will be a short introduction to each of the primitives

Result<V, E>

Functions should return a Result where the happy path response as well as all possible errors are strongly typed.

import {type Result, Ok, Err, BaseError } from "@unkey/error"

class DivisionByZeroError extends BaseError {
  public type = "DivisionByZeroError"
  public retry = false

function divide(a: number, b: number): Result<number, DivisionByZeroError>{
  if (b === 0){
    return Err(new DivisionByZeroError())
  return Ok(a / b)

const { val: division, err } = divide(1, 0)
if (err) {
  // handle error
// use division result

Ok<V>(v: V)

A helper to return a valid result. Ok() can be used for void returns.

Err<E>(e: E)

A helper to return an error result.


The base error that all errors should extend from.

Errors may specify:

  • any number of key-value context that will be useful to debug later
  • whether the error is retryable
  • a cause, which is the error that cause this error if you want to wrap it.
export abstract class BaseError<TContext extends ErrorContext = ErrorContext> extends Error {
  public abstract readonly type: ErrorType;
  public abstract readonly retry: boolean;
  public readonly cause: BaseError | undefined;
  public readonly context: TContext | undefined;

Creating a new Error

Here’s an example of a SchemaError that might happen when zod invalidates a schema.

The static fromZod constructor is a nice utility added specifically for this error.


import type { ZodError } from "zod";
import { generateErrorMessage } from "zod-error";
import { BaseError } from "./base";

 * Parsing a permission query failed
export class SchemaError extends BaseError<{ raw: unknown }> {
  public readonly retry = false;

  static fromZod<T>(e: ZodError<T>, raw: unknown): SchemaError {
    const message = generateErrorMessage(e.issues, {
      maxErrors: 1,
      delimiter: {
        component: ": ",
      path: {
        enabled: true,
        type: "objectNotation",
        label: "",
      code: {
        enabled: true,
        label: "",
      message: {
        enabled: true,
        label: "",
    return new SchemaError(message, {
      context: {
        raw: JSON.stringify(raw),